
Bee Kind Shop was created with the mission to help protect bee colonies around the world. Over the last few years we have supported many organizations that help our buzzy pollinators. Every customer at Bee Kind Shop directly contributes to our mission and supports these organizations, and so far you've helped us plant, restore and preserve over 100 acres of flowers across the US and abroad. Thank you for your support and for helping us leave legacy on our Planet for the years to come!


  • New York City Beekeepers Association. The mission of the NYCBA is to provide membership with a medium for sharing knowledge and mutual interest in beekeeping, and to educate and promote the benefits of beekeeping to the world, in a forum of friendship and fun, and to do so safely and responsibly in an urban environment. Whether you are a beekeeper with 10,000 colonies or you just like honey in your tea, you are welcome to join the hive.

  • Operation Honey Bee. Operation Honey Bee is a conscious movement Worldwide that serves in protecting Honey Bees. The organization is the voice that protects bees by speaking out about the enormous threats of GEO PATHIC Stress causing bee deaths. Operation Honey Bee is an advocate for food that is verified organic, verified GMO Free, pesticide Free, herbicide Free, and is 100% natural. These products are not only good for Honey Bees populations but also good for our Planet. 

  • Healthy Hive Foundation. The story behind this lemonade brand is pretty amazing—it was started by a 4-year-old in Austin who was passionate about bees (and her great-granny’s flaxseed lemonade). She started the Healthy Hive Foundation which puts donations toward foundations that benefit bees. So far, they've been funding bee apiaries, which is like an outdoor room to keep honeybees.

  • Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. It's a science-based nonprofit organization that works with scientists, land managers, educators, farmers, and citizens to protect and restore pollinators and invertebrates. Their campaign is focused on four simple principles: growing pollinator-friendly flowers, providing nest sites, avoiding pesticides, and spreading the word.

  • Seeds for Bees. Seeds for Bees encourages the use of cover crops to increase the density, diversity, and duration of bee forage in California orchards, farms, and vineyards, while improving soil health.  The seed mixes available through Seeds for Bees are designed to bloom at critical times of the year when natural forage is scarce but managed and native bees are active.  Seeds for Bees serves the needs of bees, beekeepers, and growers, increasing sustainability of pollination and agriculture.

  • The Bee and Butterfly ​Habitat Fund. The Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund identifies opportunities to establish critical pollinator habitat to help honey bee and monarch butterfly populations thrive. Guided by the mission to increase and improve pollinator forage and habitat, the organization develops affordable, pollinator-focused seed mixes, including native plants through NextGen Habitat Projects. The Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund is a collaboration of founding partners Pheasants Forever, Project Apis m. and Browning’s Honey Co. and brings together a very diverse group with similar goals.

  • Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. The University of Texas at Austin Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center uses native plants to restore and create sustainable, beautiful landscapes. They carry out the mission to inspire the conservation of native plants through gardens, research, education, and outreach programs. In doing so, they improve water quality, provide habitat for wildlife, and enhance human health and happiness. In 2017, they were officially designated the Botanic Garden and Arboretum of Texas.

  • Florida Wildflower Foundation. The Florida Wildflower Foundation protects, connects and expands native wildflower habitats through education, research, planting and conservation programs throughout the state. They provide grants for wildflowers in schools and public parks, and help identify and establish wildflower areas along roadsides. Their publications, events and programs give people the tools and knowledge they need to build and enjoy urban and roadside native wildflower corridors.

  • Plantlife Shop. From meadows to coastlines, mountains to atlantic woodland, road verges to gardens, Plantlife is working throughout the UK to save wild flowers, plants and fungi. The organization finds solace in nature; bees buzzing, colourful butterflies fluttering past your window, birds singing from the trees and wild flowers brightening the landscape. The survival of wild flowers is vital to all of these amazing species that have evolved to depend on them.
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