The Rarest Types of Honey

Did you know that there are more than 300 types of honey, and each type has its own taste and health benefits? Honey can be categorized as raw or processed. Raw honey is a more natural form of honey and considered to be purer than the processed one, which is heated and bottled in a factory resulting in loss of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients.

Some of these honeys are rare because of the scarcity of honey plants foraged by bees. Others are rare because they are difficult to harvest. Yet, bees that feed on specific plants make honey with truly unique flavors.

So, here are five rarest honeys we think you really should try! 


Pitcairn Honey

Pitcairn Islands also known as the British Polynesia, is a group of four volcanic islands in the southern Pacific Ocean. It is the least populous national jurisdiction in the world. Pitcairn has one of the most disease-free bee populations of anywhere in the world and the honey produced is of an exceptionally high quality. The apicultural scientist conducting the project, also found that Pitcairn bees were a particularly placid variety and within a short time, was able to work with them wearing minimal protection. Pitcairn honey is considered the rarest and purest honey in the world.

The rich and intense fruitiness of Pitcairn's honey is attributed to the nectar from the Mango, Lata, Passionflower, Guava and Rose apple flowers found in abundance on Pitcairn.


Baobab Honey

This honey is harvested in the Kayes region of Mali on the Senegalese border. This honey is truly unique because its fights effectively against gastric ailments such as intestinal inflammation. This dark amber honey has a unique aroma and flavor. Rich in fiber and vitamin C, necessary for strengthening our immune system, helps our body to form and maintain connective tissue. Some people claim that its also cares for stretch marks, wrinkles and slows down skin ageing.


Litchi Honey

Lychee is a great source of dietary fiber, protein, proanthocyanins and polyphenolic compounds, which makes it an energizing fruit. Native to China and Vietnam, the Litchi is a majestic tree that can reach 12 meters. It is also very present in Reunion Island and Madagascar. Use this honey on your skin to protect it from inflammations and acne. It is also beneficial to improve circulation and lower blood pressure, therefore in cases of high blood pressure.


Tupelo Honey

Tupelo honey is produced from the tupelo gum tree which grows profusely along the Chipola and Apalachicola rivers of northwest Florida. Real Tupelo honey is a light gold amber color with a greenish cast and has a unique floral fragrance. The flavor is delicious, delicate and distinctive. Good tupelo, unmixed with other honeys, will not granulate. This honey is a great replacement for syrup! 




Honeydew Honey 

Honeydew honey comes from insects that like to peck the tender parts of flowers and plants. These insects include ants and aphids, for example, or even mealybugs that feed on the sap from the latter.

To generate this honeydew honey, bees consume honeydew, the famous sweet substance rejected by insects after piercing certain fragile portions of plants. In this way, the bees collect these remains and use them little by little. The liquid in honeydew evaporates quickly, so honeybees are more likely to collect it in the mornings or evenings. The bees treat the substance like nectar so it is often mixed together with the nectar from flowers. As such, it is not really noticeable in the finished honey.

This honey is generally dark, strongly flavored, less acidic, and less sweet than floral honey. It is prized in many parts of Europe and in New Zealand, often commanding high prices.


 A portion of every purchase at Bee Kind Shop is donated to non-profit organizations that help save bee colonies around the globe.
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